Speaker Box

It is time to do something about the terrible radio output so that one can actually understand what people are saying.  A few years ago I was forwarded an article that documented an approach to better audio that really appealed to me.  The first step was to decide on the proper speakers.  Since I am completely ignorant on properly selecting speakers, the article was used as a crutch.  Luckily for me the same speakers used by the author were still available and oddly at the same price.  I ordered them over the internet and started a materials list for the speaker box.

By: John Phillips, Green Country Triumphs, Tulsa, OK.

HOW’S YOUR END FLOAT? This is a serious safety related question that you need to know the answer.

One of the most frequent catastrophic failures that happens to a TR6 is rear hub assembly failure.

by John Phillips

Ben’s car has some challenges.  When the car got here the challenge was to get it running so we could get the car to Andy for brake work.  The reason it would not run is that when the car started it idled at 3000 RPM with the choke on and would not idle with the choke off.

Upon arrival the first task was to evaluate the whole car to get an idea of what it would take to make the car safe and road worthy.  We also listed some things that Ben wanted to get done, some now, some later.  The initial look at the brakes was indicated not much was needed except installation of a new

Triumph Seat Belt Repair

One of the rebuild jobs that I have been putting off because I was concerned about never getting the things back together again was the seat belts.  I got the confidence to jump in with both feet from Art who had already successfully rebuilt his and passed on the lessons learned as well as some photos to help with getting things back where they belonged.

stripped threads

Repairing Stripped Threads for Oil Pan Bolts

During some periodic maintenance in the shop, the TR6 sump was finished up. The fasteners were all torqued to 20-foot pounds as stipulated in the manual. Of course, this is not done without risk. The fasteners are threaded into the steel block for the most part. Two of the bolts in front are threaded into an aluminum cap that fits under the crank shaft. Aluminum is not as strong as steel so the threads frequently get stripped out.

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