Greasy Hands Garage
Oil pan

12/2/2021 – Today I spent an hour plus in the shop just so I would not forget where it is. While there, some more parts were cleaned and painted. The oil pan flange was straightened to remove some of the distortion caused by over tightening the bolts to eliminate leaks. I hate leaks. The attach bolts were cleaned and the remaining silicone sealant removed. Next the timing cover was prepped for paint as was the air conditioner pulley bracket. They were more tacky than I expected them to be. Glad I had a new can of aluminum colored paint on the shelf.

Above I used the term “more tacky” as opposed to the offered correction to “tackier”. I was taught to use “tacky, more tacky and most tacky” which seems more appropriate than just “tackier”. I did not even know tackier was a word. Editor’s rant.



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